Sunday, February 3, 2008

Girlz in da Hoodie!!

Okay, Okay, yes, I gave in and wore a hoodie to class. Ike thought it was a very lame attempt on my part to fit in when obviously I was the oldest student on campus ( thanks Ike for the
support!). My teacher's have been doing a great job of pointing out just how old I am! In my sign language class the teacher was asking students to sign their birth year. Now, I have put my hand up on serveral occasions to sign the alphabet, words, home address, but when this example came up I was looking down at my book, pretending to be absorbed in the text. " Jennifer, would you like to sign your birth year" . want me to let all the students in class know just HOW much OLDER I am. Not just that I am older, but REALLY older. The teacher than realized what he did and then made the situation even more uncomfortable "Oh, wait, you can do just the day and month if you want, you don't have to do the year". So, now, if I don't tell the year I am embarrased, and if I do I am as well. Thanks Teach! So I go ahead and sign all of my birthday 9-12-1968. GASPS and WHISPERS abound in the classroom and I shrivel up like an old prune ( need some prune juice too:)). This girl who sits near me with her cute hoodies and skinny jeans and looks like a computer generated avitar( see I am hip) says " My Dad is the same age as you". In my other class, with the teacher from the asylum, everytime he makes a reference about something from the 80's he looks right at me, pointing to me. " You remember the Aids scare and all the publicity that went with it right" " When your kids get sick, I bet you get sick as well" " When Madonna was a virgin you were graduating High School right". So that's two classes that I have failed misreably in blending into the group. Maybe, If I hadn't colored my hair brown and took out my extensions, I would have been mistaken for a young 30. One can hope, right:) So, even after wearing a hoodie, crankin my IPOD up,and talking on my cellphone at the same time, I am still just an almost 40 year old freshman, no if's, how's, why's or when's about it.

So, I am sure you are all just dying to hear updates from previous posts, even if your not, just humor me because my team, the New England Patriots, just lost the Super Bowl. How very sad to be me right now. I could have rooted for the Giants and it would have been okay since I did live there for a very short while. I get to cheer for many different teams as I have lived in many different places, some twice!. The New England Patriots, The Boston Red Sox, The Philadelphia Philles, Eagles, Flyers and 76'ers, the Texas Rangers, The Dallas Cowboys,Mavericks, Stars, The Arizona Diamondbacks, Cardinals, Phoenix Suns...and the list goes on. I would have to say also that I am a lucky the little Leprechon that promotes cereal, but the four leaf clover kind of luck. When I lived in Dallas the Stars won the Stanley Cup and when I moved to Arizona the Diamondbacks won the World Series over the Evil Yankees and I was there at game 7. It was a great day for Red Sox fans as well as someone finally brought the evil empire to it's knees!. Okay enough already....back to updates.

Do you remember the crisis from one of my first blogs...the one that had me driving all over town, calling bookstores, searching the Internet ( thanks Maureen:) and finally calling the Red Cross. Yes, that's right, the WORKBOOK. I got the workbook, two to be exact. I wasn't sure that the one I ordered from Amazon would get here in time to have all the work completed, chapters 1-6 to be handed in on Monday( assigned on Wednesday), so I had one overnighted by the Red Cross. I did all the work that was required, all eighteen pages of work. One of the workbooks I received had the answers all ready written in, I could have passed that one in, but Nooo, I had to do all that work myself. It would not have been cheating, in a way, since the answers are written in the back of the workbook so you can check your answers ( thinking like a can I justify cheating, of course I never did cheat, I was too afraid to get caught). Like the time that my friend Susan I got caught lying when we snuck out meeting Lifeguards on Martha's Vineyard ohhh so long ago. Lying just doesn't feel good, and cheating is the same feeling. You know your going to get's when that is the unknown factor. Susan and I got caught as soon as we returned to the campground, at least the punishment was swift and justice was fully served up by our parents.....I was so afriad of her father after that!. My parents were a little lighter on my sentence as I was just the blind follower, not the evil mastermind of our sorted rendevous at dawn ( Okay, yes, it was 8pm, but for will always be dawn:). How did I get off the subject so badly. My mind is just pulling things out from so long ago...stop it brain. Back to the workbook.
The teacher walks in and says " Hey Dudes, did you get my e-mail". I look around the room in horror...I think to myself " E-mail....he doesn't have MY e-mail address, so I guess I am off the hook!" " Dudes...anyone anyone, Buehler Buehler" Now no one in the class gets that joke but me, and everyone in the class knows it, another strike for fitting in. " Okay slakers...I sent an e-mail to your Palomar e-mail addresses so I know you got it" sweat begins to pour down my back, I remember vaguely that I too was assigned a Palomar e-mail address when I registered, but I thought it was just a standard thing and it was for the students to use if and only if they wanted. Not for teachers to actually send us things!. The teacher then drops the BOMB.....are you ready everyone....hold on to your seats and remember to breath.....
" NO WORKBOOKS ARE NEEDED" silence falls over the class....or anyone who didn't get the memo. One brave student, the voice of the few, the proud, the one's who, like me, had searched high and low for the workbook. "but....I got the workbook and did the work, can I get some credit for it, the voice says" "HAHAHAHAHHAHA, you MUST be joking right, I should dock you points for not following the directions and not reading your e-mail".
I never said a word, I just sat there quitely, with my two workbooks, and hoped the teacher wouldn't see them.

The teacher then decides to pass out a rope. I am not sure after serveral students had spent almost $100 in getting now adjunct workbooks that handing out a rope in class is the smartest thing to do, but Barney Fife knows best:) While passing out the rope he asks us if we showered and brushed our teeth today. If your 18 years or older and don't brush your teeth everyday you probally don't have any teeth!. The rope, as I am sure you are waiting with baited breath ( do you brush your teeth every day:)) was for tying yourself to a fellow student and having to get apart without un tying the rope. Yes, anti-climactic, I agree.

One student was being nice and brought a Surfer Magazine in for the teacher. He had said he was a "dude" and loved to surf. When she brought it up to him he pushed it away like it was a three day old tuna sandwich...yuck!!! Sorry if I am being too graphic, I just put the first thing that came to mind. " That Magazine is for punks and toads, no thanks". He did not just do that. He did not just insult this poor 18 year old who was trying to do something nice. He will not be getting any chewy sprees from me ( the BEST candy ever). As far as I am concerned he is the TOAD and the rest of the class are the prince and princesses, and no one is going to kiss him, even with our bad breath!.

Until next time Folks...Goodnight and Goodluck!

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