Slang. A person regarded as strange, eccentric, or crazy: crackpot, crazy, eccentric, lunatic. Informal : crank, loon, loony. Slang : cuckoo, ding-a-ling, kook, nut, screwball, weirdie, weirdo. See WISE.
Now, this is not a name I have given myself, I wanted you to know that upfront. We will get back to that later.
Classes are going okay. I feel very overwhelmed by the amount of work and homework it is taking to just keep up with everyone else in my classes. The students all seem so energized all the time. I feel like a tired old vaccum next to the Roombas:) Tuesdays and Thursdays are very long. Today is going to be especially long as I have been up since 1 am. I just couldn't stop my brain from thinking about school work and all that I don't know. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have two classes in a row that last about 4 hours. It's long for Ikey too as he just has to lay there on the floor, not making any noises. It's very funny when he starts with his puppy dreams in class. His nose starts twitching, his lip comes up and you can see his teeth, and then the low growl begins. Hurrmmph, Hurrmphh, he sounds like the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz!. All the students turn to look over at him and start chuckling to themselves. He really is not bothering anyone as the teacher is deaf. The other day there was VERY loud construction going on outside the classroom. As I was the closest to the door, everyone looked to me for answers. How would I know what they were doing out there? The teacher just kept talking as he can't hear, and we the students couldn't hear the teacher, it was that loud. Finally the teacher realized that he no longer had our rapt attention and asked a student who can sign to let him know what was going on. He told us that we would just have to listen better to hear him over the noise. I missed lots of notes that day and so did most of the class. In this class there is no prerequisite that you have to know sign language. It is SUPPOSED to be a cultural class. The teacher, since he does not have a translator this year, has decided to only call on the students in class that can sign. Since the first day of class this is the way that it has been. The students who can sign, not only sign, but they do not speak either. They can speak, but they have chosen not to when signing. Soooooo, half the class sits there on our thumbs not knowing what the he%^ is going on. There is a great dialog going on between the students who sign and the teacher, while the rest of us pick at our fingernails. FINALLY, after sitting through two weeks of this and knowing that we will get tested on the material, I raised my hand and he actually acknowledged me. " Professor, for those of us that do not sign, could you please translate what these other students are saying, as I am only getting half the conversation". I'm not sure that the students were very happy with me on either side!. The ones who don't sign and don't care would have liked to continue oblivious to what was happening, and the students that were signing were mad that their little game had been discovered. They are so proud of themselves and wanted to show off in front of the rest of us and now they would have to use their voice., oh no..no..not that. The teacher claimed that he was not aware of the students not using their voice and thanked me for pointing it out. It lasted ONE class and the signers are again not using their voices and I am getting as much out of this lecture as Ike who is asleep, perchance to dream:) He is dreaming about this cute Pound Puppy stuffed animal we saw on ebay. He begs me every day for it ( pictured above). Bad mommy hasn't bid on it yet because she is unemployed:)
Okay, back to the Supreme Court. The teacher Barney Fife, or as he would like to be now called Mr. Curemundeon ( he made us look it up) is back from having his baby. Before he left we had some interesting topics covered, none that had to do with first aid. He told us that he was Scott Peterson's golf coach and was one of the last people to be with him before he was arrested. He called on me to identify a picture on the board, who for the life of me, I couldn't place. " It's Perry Mason you dingbat"...moi...a dingbat??? The last person to call me that was my sister and it was when I was still calling her Chrissy, a long, long time ago. I may be older than most students but I am not old enough to really know who Perry Mason is, am I?. He told us that all men are pigs and that when they get drunk at frat parties they do horrible, unmentionable in ths blog as it is pg-13, things to each other and girls should take heed of his warnings. We then had to do a chapter on how to correctly move an injured person. He had us first hike a mile out to a field and then wait 20 minutes while he takes a phone call. Ike and I are hoofing it along with everyone else as not to be more singled out then we have already been. Tick tock, tick tock, come on guy, my shoes are getting all wet and I am tired of standing. He finally gets out there and decides it is too wet. "Let's all Hike a mile back and go to the gym" says Barney. Does he not notice that he has less than 15 minutes left to class. In the gym he splits everyone into groups of three's. He pushes Ike and I out of the way and goes on down the line. What is that suppossed to mean?. Do I join a group of three, do I just stand there...helloooo. While the first groups get going Ike and I walk over to where he is standing " Professor, what would you like us to do" I ask. "N-O-T-H-I-N-G", and walks away. Great, I could have gone home and hour ago. The other students in the class now realizing that I don't have to participate, grow a little more distant. "How can she get the same grade as us if she doesn't have to participate" I overhear a girl saying. I wish I could do everything that they do, that would be great, but right now my reality isn't so.
Next class he has his baby and we have a test. Monday is a holiday....yipppee
Wednesday comes and we get our tests back. I realize that one of my answers was marked wrong as I had some eraser marks still left on the paper. I get myself up and go to the front of the room where I am promptly told "Go sit down Dingbat, I'll get to that". Here we go again! Now, I look at my test and with the answer being correct even though it shows wrong, I have only missed two questions out of 50. Whohoooo, yeah....I'm no dummy.
The teacher asks that anyone who has higher than a 45 to raise their hands. Myself and three others raise their hands. " You four are now the Supreme Court" says Barney Fife. "If we get to a question that you had wrong, you have the power to give anyone else who got that one wrong as well and extra point, as long as more than half the students got that one wrong". Of course, now everyone is staring at us. I am being singled out again. We go through the test and get a couple extra points for everyone. I ended up with 100% correct. I am sure my other classes are not going to go as well, especially after missing half the dialog. Now, out of the blue the teacher calls out " Mizz Supreme Supreme Court Justice, by the way, are you a mom, because I want to call you Mom" WIERDO...anyway. He calls me up to the room and hands me everyone's test. "Since you did the best and can afford not to listen to today's lecture I need you to mark everyone's grade into my book, now go back to your seat and I need it by the end of class". Great, not only do I now have to do the teacher from the Asylum's work, but I will miss the lecture that will help me get a good grade next test. I finish just in time and bring everything up. As Ike and I are leaving he says " Thanks Supreme Court Justice, I had you pegged when I said you would be the one to cry if you missed one question, and I was right, you were the first to come up to show the mistake the scanner made with your eraser mark, next time erase better" That was it, no thanks for your help, no great job, just a jab in the side, which is better than a fork in the eye which he has promised other kids.
Debedebebe That's all folks
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