Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Night of the Coyotes....It's Me Ikey:)

Hey everyone it's me...Ikey! I know I am supposed to be writing about school but this was so scary and exciting I thought I would "blog" about it " I am such a stud:)) Well, not really thanks to my other mother:))

Late last night I was resting in my awesome bed ( platform bed, right next to Mommy's head) when I heard something outside. I looked around the room to see if anyone else heard it but Kaylie was snoring, Andre was curled up on his couch with his moo she and Scooby doo, King of the bed, was curled up between mom and dad, so maybe I was just dreaming. I started to relax when I heard it again!!! Yes, I really did!!! It was almost a low moan...maybe a cow??? Now I have not seen too many cows in our neighborhood, but there are chickens, so maybe a cow can be there to??? Hmmm what could it be. I waited and waited to hear it again...and then BAM POW WHAM everyone went sprinting down the stairs and through our special door. We all try and cram through it at the same time and sometimes we get stuck. Now we are outside in the dark, alone, without Mom or Dad to protect us. "I'm not so sure about this" I tell Kaylie. She is such a BIT&^ and calls me a scaredy CAT. I am not a CAT, no way, no how, but I am a little scared. I have a Job to do for Mommy and I can't be out chasing Cows in the middle of the night!. Andre comes up behind me and tells me "I have heard this sound before when I lived in Arizona". Now, I have been to Sedona Arizona but I never heard anything like this. I really liked Sedona, with it's big rocks, and lots of great smelling trees. a cool patio just for me but back to the story...

Now we are all outside, even Scooby. The dogs from up the hill are outside as well. They are barking too, but they always bark, so it's not a good measure of the danger taking place. We all stand outside, together, as a pack..but nothing more happens. Good, I mean RATS, I wanted to show how brave I could be.

Back upstairs we all go. Sleepy time again. Then, AUWOOOOOOOOO.......There it is again. Scramble the troops, ready the ammunition, lets go, lets go.

This time Daddy comes outside to see what is going on. He leans over to Scooby who is visibly shaking and tells him "It's okay, it's only the coyotes". ONLY THE COYOTES! Now, I am not sure what they are but it sounds bad. Wait, I know who that is, I saw him on TV" The Box" the other day. He goes around bombing people, dropping ROCKS on their head, and Daddy doesn't think this is someone to be deathly afraid of, his he NUTS!!! This COYOTE has enough ammunition to blow up every dog house in our city, usually have a Road Runner fast on his trail What if the two converged on our back yard??.. We would be like John Edwards at the last debate, staying out of the way why the two other annihilate each other, hoping it wouldn't hurt their LIKABILITY, which this whole presidentail campaigns is about, I watch many of the debates and I have not heard how the candidates are going to fix the problems with the country, They all say " I am the candidates for change", but HOW are they going it! I have not heard one great idea...like ending puppy mills or REALLY punishing people who fight us dogs. We are lovers, not fighters, wink wink

Dad finally told me what a real coyote is. He told me that the pack uses one member to make their prey more secure because there is only one coyote, and then when the prey lets it's guard down, 5-6 come out of the bushes and well...One can hope for a nice outcome. I was scared and was still scared as we tried to smush each other through the door to the race upstairs to stake out our spots. I have to be able to stand over Mommy in the night to make sure she is breathing,and if she is, I give her a little kiss and lay back down. Uh, Scooby is not happy. When he is not happy watch out, your special sleeping area becomes his, the toy in your mouth, he takes it out with his teeth. If I am sitting somewhere with Mommy, he pushes me out of the way. I know he is just insecure and jealous!,, Jealous of my beautiful black mane, long eyelashes, eyebrow, goatee...and the fact that I get to go everywhere. When I got to go with Mommy to see "Firehouse Dog" Scooby wouldn't let me have any toys. He said that since I had gone out and saw the movie HE wanted to see, I didn't get toys this week:{{{

We all listened for the " Coyotes" that dad said he heard. I still think it was a cow because the Coyote lives in the Box called 'tv" and can't get out of that box

I gotta get my beauty rest, I have many fans at school ( poor mommy isn't doing as well) and I have asked Mom for business cards for myself, modeling my beautiful black coat. I don't think I will be getting any, at least not now. Please keep reading my blog and if there is something special you want to hear about let me know

Love Ikey Doodo

Monday, January 28, 2008

Open foot insert mouth...wait..that's not right

Wonders never cease at this new endeavour of mine. How people can be so oblivious to their impact on others, or even worse, don't care what they do to others. I try to make a positive impact on peoples lives, even if they want nothing to do with me. I have yet to try the experiment, the one where I walk around school with my head down all day not talking to anyone. It's sounds depressing to me, but I will try it, at least to have something to write about.

Okay, here we go with another very surprising incident.

I was sitting in my usual spot( if sitting in the same place twice now can be a usual spot) saying "hi" to everyone walking in the door when Ike got up and went over to a girl sitting near us. Since that was my opening to get SOMEONE to talk to me, I snatched it up like a person waiting in line for an IPHONE( one month later they lower the price). I started the conversation about Ike and how he was my service dog and where I had gotten him from. Turns out this girl lives near the place where Ike and I went to training. I asked her how she likes living there, normal questions that everyone asks. We were having a nice conversation when in walks..wait for it...wait for it.... BARBIE!

Now I know you are saying that Barbie is a toy and doesn't exist in real life, well come on over sister and join my class. Barbie is about 90 lbs, long eyelashes, beautiful blond hair, perfect clothes and the self confidence that goes with selling millions of yourself worldwide.

Barbie enters the room and all eyes go to her, all conversations stop and people just stare at her, I guess I was too.

Here is where Barbie shows her real colors, the side of Barbie people rarely see...but as Ike as my witness this is a true story.

Barbie decides to join in the conversation I was having with this nice girl. We will call her Rosa. Rosa was explaining to me that although she lives in this one town, she is really excited to move into a new apartment across town. She has been saving up all her money ( her boyfriend as well) and had put a deposit down on a new apartment. They are going over to this new place this afternoon to talk about paint colors and new carpet, but the person who is doing the work has not returned their calls a few days in a row. Rosa tells me that this new apartment is going to be a great new start for them. It's bigger and a lot nicer than when they live now. The excitement in Rosa was reminiscent of my first 15 moves. The new places, the new faces, yeah, I remember that. I felt happy remembering those times and Rosa was in a world of her own thoughts when...SLAM, back down to Earth we were brought by a plastic toy with perfect boobs!.

I can't make this stuff up, I really can't. You all may be out there saying that there is no way things like this happen, but yes folks, they do.

Barbie drops a bomb.... "I own those apartments, the one you are moving to, I own those". What... this eighteen year old owns the apartments of my Rosa's dreams. No way!. " I own those apartments, and my dad, well he is the one you have been calling all week to get the painting done". " He got your Messages, but he is waaayyy to busy with other things". " You might just want to buy paint and do it yourself because he has other more important things going on".

Barbie owns apartments?? I just thought she lived in her " Dream House" minding her own business, not a real business.!

Barbie then says to Rosa who asked Barbie if she lives nearby the apartments, or at the apartments. Barbie's response was nothing but an example of how one human being can impact another so greatly. " LIVE at THOSE apartments??? Are you kidding me??? They are so scary and Getto, I NEVER would even go close to that neighborhood". Here Rosa is, scraping and saving to get into the apartments that she is so excited over and Barbie has the gall to say all that?. Even if Barbie thinks all those things about the neighborhood and apartments, she didn't have to say anything negative. Why do people feel the need to kill the dreams of others, put them down for their dreams?. Ike and I just sat there, mouth wide open, not believing that someone is either so clueless or down right mean to say something negative about something that is so obviously important to someone else.

I don't think Rosa knew how to respond to what was said. She just sat there for a minute not saying anything... And then she said again, in case Barbie misunderstood her, " I am so excited about moving there, it will be the best place I have ever lived". Rosa had just set herself up for being hurt again as Barbie explained again, in case Rosa misunderstood her, " That place is sooo Getto and scary, even my dad doesn't like going there". " We only own the apartments because my step-grandmother left them to us in her will". " I would NEVER live there or anyplace near it".

I think Rosa finally understood that no matter what she said about the area, really wanting to live there, that she was going to open Barbie's eyes to the error in her judgment about the apartments that she "owns". I would like to OPEN Barbie's eyes to how incredibly selfish and self-centered she was that she would put down so harshly someone Else's dreams and aspirations. That she could be so clueless that she could not see the look of deflation in Rosa's eyes as she continued to put Rosa's choices down over and over.

Ike and I wanted to say something to Rosa , like good luck on the move, or have fun choosing paint colors, something to make Rosa not second guess her choices. I realized though. that the harm was done. Nothing that I. nor anyone, could erase what Barbie had now put in her head. It was there, festering, and Rosa might even decide not to spend her money on moving to a place that is not any better, maybe worse, than she lives now.

This is how people's dreams die even before they have a chance to become a reality....

Until next time..

Jennifer and Ike

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Teacher from the Asylum

Okay, we left off with the Silent One letting me borrow a stumpy pencil. I now had the materials needed to actively participate in class. Pencil, paper, brain, check. Ikey on the floor snoozing almost quietly, check. Okay let's get this party started already!. ( Minutes before I was hoping for a late start when I had to buy my $3.oo pad of paper).

Now, like I said, this story is not for the faint of heart. Some may find material offensive. I did!. Talk about Shock and Awe, President Bush has nothing on this teacher!.

So, I am sitting with my stumpy pencil and $3.oo pad ready to go and in walks Elmer Fudd with a better body. Maybe Barney Fife ( you older folks may know who that is) with the body of the incredible hulk. He stumbles in and just starts talking about....I have no idea!. He starts with telling us that he took a year sabbatical in Germany. He did a house swap and encouraged us to look into it. He told us that he got paid from the school to go over there and just hang out. Where can I sign up for that job!. That's a job even I can do. He then went on a tirade about everything from OJ Simpson, to Scott Peterson, to his wife. He told us that he was a material witness to the Scott Peterson trial, that he thought OJ didn't get a fair trial and that he and his wife had sex and somehow are now having a baby. Yeah, I think we all know how a baby is made, and don't really need to know about is sex life. He also told us that he and his wife have a bet going on to see who gets " fixed first". TMI enough already.

He then tried to intimidate us by telling us that he used to be a cop in some Podunk town in California. He said he was a hard ass and wrote the most tickets EVER in the town. Is he trying to make up for a small male part?? We will have to wait and see...hopefully not! Why else would he want to intimidate 18 year olds.

He went on to tell us that he is a surfer and that if he is late for class then he is "hanging loose" and catching the "big one". Yeah, I'm paying for this class and the teacher is out practicing his "cutbacks" and gnarly "hang tens". He actually called the students dudes. " hey dude fix the door so no slackers can get in". He forgot the roll book ( he was too busy with his wife and kids), he forgot his lecture notes so he was just 'winging it". He warned us that he gets "crabby" often so not to push his buttons. Don't get too "smart" with him of you will get thrown out of class, I think I will just sit in the back with Ike and keep my mouth shut. This guy reminds me of my previous boss at one said wine company. He loved the "boss" title and reminded me all the time who was in charge. I don't know if these kind of people actual believe that instilling fear in people is really a good way to be a leader. A good leader in my book is someone approachable and instills confidence in their students and employees, not holds them down, under their thumb, putting down their ideas as stupid or unprofessional or even worse , the boss taking credit for the success that is obviously not theirs!.

Now that you have some background on this guy I can continue with the story. Let's just call him Barney. Barney is talking again, going on and on about how great he is when all of a sudden he says something about the tv show "Adam 12". Now I remember the name but I was too young to remember anything about the show. You know by now that I have Desperately been trying to fit in at school. Yes, I know, Ikey reminds me all the time of how GREAT he fits in with his BLACK coat, he such a BIT** ah... female dog sometimes! I don't have any Goth clothes, I don't have "hoodies", and I definitely don't skate board. I have a limp, a service dog, and wrinkes...yeah...I'm out there like Britney Spears at a Court Hearing:) So, now I am sitting there minding my own business when all of a sudden...the teacher says, out of all the people in the class, " You, you must remember Adam 12 right, your about my age". THANKS, THANKS a lot!!! It's not bad enough that I am labeled as " different" , my teacher did not have to point it out that I am about 20 years older than everyone else in class. The Silent One moves her desk further from mine and I can just see the horror in her face that someone in the class might think she is OLD like me. Thanks BUD, DUDE. I was so mad. He just keep going not realizing he just killed my chances of fitting in in that class.

Now, I am still waiting to take any notes in class.( since I spent $3.00 on it) Are we going to talk about ANYTHING to do with the subject?. NOT yet. The teacher was not done trying to intimidate the class. The teacher decided we are about 8 years old, "Everyone needs to come with good hygiene" " Brush your teeth, take a shower at least before my class", I hope most people know that they need to take a shower a couple times a week, come on guy, they are 18!. Barney then decided that the guys in the class were being disrespectful because they have baseball caps on. He went right up to this one guy with his hat on backwards, lots of tattoos and of course a tight black shirt with skulls on it. Barney got right into this guys face and told him he was being disrespectful for having the hat on, and worse, backwards, OH THE HORROR!. Now, I don't think I would mess with this kid. He looks very tough. The guy did not get up, did not take his hat off and said to the teacher that " I don't take my hat off for no one, I listen to my own rules not yours". Oh My GOD, we are going to have a knife fight right here in my class. Someone needs to back down and fast. Luckily for the teacher he decided he would back down, but it didn't stop him from continuing with the rest of the students. He went up to two girls and told them to stop wearing revealing clothes in his classroom, that seeing "boobs" is not going to get them good grades. Who is this guy! He wants no boobs, no hats, no bad breath, no body odor.....then he leaves the room. Where did he go, he said nothing and just walks out. Does this man have a serious MENTAL ILLNESS?. Everyone is looking around wondering what we should do. Should we leave?. Is class over?? OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD, you have to be kidding me....

The teacher just walked back into the class with his pants halfway down his butt. He has a hat on backwards, tidy whiteys sticking out and I hate to say this but you could see a bulge ...YUCK...not what I ever wanted to see at school, or anywhere for that matter!!. You don't see that much in an "R" rated movie for god sakes!. What was he thinking?. It was disgusting. I don't care if he was trying to make a point, which he had already made by telling people to dress with respect. SHOCK and AWFUL!. He went on to walk around the class telling different people that he would never hire someone that looked the way they did, that they must not have respect for themselves to have haircuts like they do, clothes like that ect ect. I was about the only one he didn't pick on...but that is because I am GRANDMA!. ( no offense to any of the hip grandma's out there).

Class is about to end, we really have not done anything, when he decided to finally talk about class assignments. He hands out a syllabus and starts going over it. He starts to mention that we need to have pages in a workbook completed. A workbook? What workbook?. I have a text book, but no workbook. The teacher asks if anyone has the workbook. One person! One person has the workbook and only because their friend took the class last year. The rest of us look around at each other wondering what is going on. Barney then tells us " Your on your own getting the workbook, check the bookstore, community colleges, American Red Cross, but it's your responsibility to get it". Someone mentions that you can't get it at the bookstore and the teacher says " I already told you it's up to you to find it and get the work done". Great, just great! I ask the Silent One if she has the workbook or knows where to get one, but she just mumbles and walks away. Since the teacher pointed me out as " the old one" I am a social Pariah.

As I am leaving the teacher sees Ike out of the corner of his eye. He totally stops talking to the students who were in front of him to exclaim " A dog, in MY class, coool duuude". I turned and asked " does that mean I get an automatic A". He grumbles something and then says that next class " we need to go over the rules of having a service dog in class" and then goes back to whatever he was saying. Next class should be interesting but hopefully G rated!:)))

Okay, back to the bookstore to see if maybe, just maybe they have this elusive workbook. My little friend was working again, the guy that gave me the complete history of pads and papers. He asked me if I wanted his help again and I said sure. Why should I navigate the shelves alone when I can have little 18 year old's help. He tells me he has to get someone to take his place at the backpack station and goes inside. Okay, am I supposed to wait for him, go inside and he'll meet me in there....not quite sure what's going on. I finally just go inside and start looking for the workbook. when I can't find anything that looks like it, I go get help from the most androgynous person I have ever seen. I am still not sure if it was a man or a woman. This person went over to the shelf where the workbook would be, had the teacher ORDERED it. This "Pat"( are there any Saturday Night Live fans out there?) told me that the teacher did not order the workbook to go along with the text book. I told "Pat" that I need the workbook, the teacher has assigned work that has to be done in this workbook by Monday!. "Pat" shakes her/his head and tells me that I am SOL and that unless the teacher calls and places the order there is nothing they can do to help. What am I going to do. I can't get this workbook from my own school?. This is messed up. The teacher mentioned trying the other local schools. I drive half hour to Mira Costa college, a community college nearby. I drag Ike out of the car and we go trudging up the path to their bookstore. I walk around aimlessly looking for anything that might be this workbook but NOTHING. I ask for help and they ask me what class the workbook is for. I have to then admit I am not a student at their school and it's not for a class there. I explain the situation and all they can do to help is to tell me "that sucks that your teacher would do that". NO KIDDING...now give me the book!.

That was a complete waste of time. I drove half hour for nothing. I finally just called the American Red Cross and asked them to overnight it to me.

What a day! I hope school gets a little less weird.

Jennifer and Ike

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Forgotten Mind!

Yesterday I went to school for the second day, and already my age is showing:) I forgot my notebook, pens, anything to possible take notes on and with. How could I do that on only my second day?. It's not like I can run across campus and get to my dorm room to retrieve said items. It's not like I know anybody I can borrow them from. I searched my car from top to bottom hoping that I would have a pen somewhere in there. Who doesn't keep a pen in their car for emergencies, who I ask...ME!. Of course now I remember in my Emergency backpack that I got for Christmas there is a pen and pad, but I couldn't remember that yesterday either. I was worried about my physical health, not my mental health!. Getting older sucks:)

So off we went, running (yeah right) to the bookstore. Quick in and out I was thinking. Nope. not happening on the second full day of classes. Lines, lines,lines out the door, Lines to drop off backpack, lines to return books, lines to buy books. I don't need any of that...I just need a PIECE of Paper!. Okay, calm down, your upsetting the dog, which I think I was. Poor Ikey. He is trying to get used to this place and here I am pulling him towards an ocean of loud people, strange noises, and the food court!. We drop of our backpack and get a number so I can retrieve it on my way out, great. One helpful boy decided that I was just too cute, wink wink, to help myself so he decided to explain all about the different notepads they have, the features and benefits of each, and their prices. Okay, this is not buying a car, I just need a PIECE OF PAPER. I took the $3.00 one and off to the register. Have you ever been to DisneyWorld?. How the lines are deceptively short?. How the lines actual wrap around 12 city blocks and a football field?. Yes, this is what happened next. They had lines that lead you through the whole store just to get to checkout. Meanwhile, I am sweating, my perfectly coiffed hair is in ruins and Ike is looking around like a dog in a candy store. Why you ask, because there was CANDY the whole way through the line just at his level. I felt like a r0bot telling him to leave it, leave it, leave it..and on.

Okay..now RUN to class (yeah right) you don't want to be late your first day. Past the skateboarders ( Ike not too sure about those), past the goths( please don't put a curse on me), past the ARMY ( please don't shoot me) and finally arriving at class!. Yeah I made it. Boy, Ike lots tired out. " Let's go in and you can take a nap" I said to Ike, and I really wanted one too.

Okay, here we got, got my $3.00 pad of paper and I am all set. Wait, wait, there is something else that I am missing??hmmmm What could it be??? No, you have just got to be kidding. A have NOTHING to write with. Flashback: First day of first grade....I got so upset about not having a pencil that I wet my pants:(((( That was not a good day. Flashforward: Do I feel a warming sensation going through my body???It can't be......Nope not that but I feel my face and neck getting very red and I am sweating. How can I be sooo stupid. I don't have time to walk all the way back to the student center. I guess I have to actual talk to someone. and not only that. but to get that person to respond with a positive yes. So I ask the girl three rows away who won't even look at me. " Do you have Pen I can borrow for the class, I was so stupid and forgot everything today, have you ever done that" I said trying to be as nice and friendly as I can be. Without ever looking at me or answering she pulls out a stumpy (yes, just like me) pencil no bigger than my thumb and hands it to me. If I was ANY bigger I would not have been able to hold it, it was so small. Beggars can't be choosy so I thanked he profusely and told her how grateful I was....no comment from the silent one.

Okay, this is where it get REALLY great. I could not make this stuff up. I thought when I started this I would be at a loss for things to write about, HA, there is so much material that today's blog is going to be pretty long. Hold onto your seats folks, the ride is just beggining!

Tune in LATER for the Teacher from the Asylum!

Tails from the wunderdog!...it's me...Ikey

Notes from Me, Ikey

I love my new title, I made it up myself with my Mom's help. She said I should write a blog from my point of view so I am going to try:) I hope you can follow along on my journey too!

The first day of school wasn't too bad for me. Mom seemed nervous so I felt nervous too. I wanted to stay home where my other friends had plans to play with the new chew toys we got. I know mommy needs me but she just seems so scared that now I am scared too.

We got to this place called "school". I have been to school myself so I thought I would see plenty of dogs like me walking around doing their jobs, but I didn't see tails anywhere. No tails, no barking, no fun butt smells...what kind of "school" is this?.

As we began to walk to "classes" Mom was leaning on me pretty hard. I know her leg hurts her a lot so I need to be strong, stand up straight and help her as best as I can!. There were a lot of things to smell on the ground but I didn't have time to stop and smell the "roses" we had to get to "class".

STAIRS!!!!! I had to help Mom up two flights of stairs. I thought I had remembered a ramp somewhere near "class" but I couldn't find it for her. I hope I still get a cookie once we get there....cookies, cookies, cookies...FOCUS IKE!

Here we are "class' at last. Mom found a great place for me to lay down right in front of her. She unpacked her things and got ready for whatever she needs to do here in "class". "Excuse me, ah Mom, ah you forgot something " I gave her bag a little smell and nudge, " Mom, please please I really need a cookie" and I nudged her bag again. She looked down at me with the smile I love so much and said the magic words " Do you want a cookie you good boy". VICTORY VICTORY, It's mine all mine. She took out my favorite Charlie Bear treats and boy she was so generous. Maybe because she knows I must be nervous too.

Nap time is here. The room filled up with lots of people, funny looking, funny smelling, strange people. They were all dressed like me! Black Coats....at least I fit in. Mommy has pink on, I bet she feels silly:) A good smelling girl sat near me and put this AMAZING furry thing on the floor. "Is it a fox" I asked myself. It sure doesn't smell like a fox. "Is it a sheepdog in need of a haircut" no....too small and skinny. I guess I need to investigate further. So, while Mom was busing listening to someone and not watching me with her normal human eyes, I s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d as far as I could, I c-r-e-e-p-e-d ever so closer....and finally...it's a it's a darn fake fur something. Darn that girl, why couldn't she have at least brought a hamster!. I decided I would ever so gently rest my head on it and hope she wouldn't look down and swipe it out from under me. The girl looked down on me all of a sudden and I knew my fate was sealed...she gave me a hug grin and looked back at mom and said it was okay, but when I looked at mom...I knew no cookie parade after class. She was not all that happy with me.

So "class" was okay. People talked to me as they left, told me how much they love my eyebrows, eyelashes and beard. Yeah, I know I'm pretty cute, but I have my own issues. Does my collar make me look fat, Does my harness accentuate my boyish hips?? Yes, I too, wonderdog and all have the same insecurities as any dog.

Until next time.....Keep your nose clean, fleas at bay, and hug your own dog everyday

Paws to you....Ikeydoodledoo

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I made it!!!

GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!! I have always wanted to do that! Well, I made it through the first day. I was so nervous walking to my class. My backpack weighed as much as I did and I could imagine myself just going $%$ over tea-kettle and rolling down the hill like an out of control snowball, collecting dust and dirt as I go. Somehow that did not happen and I managed to keep myself upright..

I noticed as I was walking that no one was looking where they were going. No one looked up as they walked, unless they were walking with someone else, but then only looking at that person. I, of course, said "HI!" to everyone just in case they wanted to look up and were waiting for a excuse to do so. I would think your neck gets very tired hanging like that all the time. Maybe I will try it today and see how I feel at the end of the day. The only students that said "hi" back were the other handicapable students. I guess we are like a gang and it's okay to look at and talk to other gang members. More interesting observations on all this to come!


I sat in the first seat I could find, against the wall and not next to anyone else so that Ike could have lots of room to stretch out. He stretched out...right onto a girls sweatshirt hood. It looked so soft and fluffy he could not help himself....I wanted to join him and just cuddle up, but I don't think the girl not the teacher would have appreciated that. "Look everyone she is so old she needs a nap" I could just hear it now:)

Okay...have I been living under a dog house ???? When did GOTH become so popular again. I thought that fashion died out years ago. At least 15 out of the 20 people in my class were dressed Goth, and had the overall Goth look. Every backpack, knapsack, man-bag. and lunch boxes (haha) were skull and cross bones. The best that I will be able to do to fit in is to wear a "Surrender your Booty" Tee-Shirt with a Pirate on it holding a skull, don't think that will quite cut it. Let me know what you think!. I was also the only person without jeans and a hoodie on. Even the boys ( 18-22) were in jeans and hoodies, and of course all black with the skull and cross bones. The teacher was in a suit and then I was the next most dressed up person and I thought I was pretty casual!.

Everyone looked very nervous, and there was dead silence while we waited for the teacher to start talking. I just wanted to say something to break the silence, but even I was too nervous to do so. One boy came in late, jeans half way down his butt with boxers showing (another fad I thought was gone). He grabbed a desk and put it down near mine...he just wanted to sit near Ikey:). The teacher told him he had to move it as he was in the direct path of the doorway. This boy whined like a 6 year old " but there is nooo rooom anywhere else....waaawaaa" Of course there was more room in the front of the class but obviously he did not want to sit there. He pouted and made his way to a back corner.

During class, which was pretty interesting, I answered a question and talked about my time working at Mansfield State Training School in CT. I talked about how people used to think Mental Retardation was something you could " catch" like the chicken pox. The State built tunnels underground from building to building so the townsfolk would feel safer and nobody had to see things they didn't want to see. The ignorance of the times was as much a product of society as it was the lack of science. People don't want to see, hear or deal with people that make them feel uncomfortable or uneasy. I saw a lot of discrimination towards people with disabilities working with that population, and it made me ashamed of our society. Okay...too deep sorry:)

Well...off to another day...wish me luck..."Goodnight and Goodluck!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The first day of school!

Oh my god! I can't believe it! I am almost 40 and I am going to be a Freshman all over beginning today. What have I gotten myself into this time, I ask myself as I sit here writing this. I am too old to be a freshman. I remember being a freshman and looking at people my age and laughing at them for being at school. Were they losers and didn't get a college education when they were young! Did they really think that no one noticed how OLD they were, and their clothes were so old fashioned. Did they just want to pick up younger women...or GUYS! YUCK!. Well. here I am wondering if people are going to say the same things about me. Of course they are correct about the guys, wink wink. I should tell you all that I am married with 4 furry children. Kaylie, Andre, Scooby and Ike. Ike is my trusty service dog and will be a big part of this blog. He goes EVERYWHERE with me. He hates shopping (like most men), loves Starbucks, their cookies, not coffee, and loves to swim. I hope there are no fountains on campus or we might be getting wet!.

About me: Stumpy, average weight, brown hair (used to be blonde but I just colored it to be a more serious student) and have had 72 surgeries in the past couple years. Yes, 72, that's right. I lost two muscles in my leg ( hence Ike the service dog) have had major staph infections several times, ended up in Intensive care after an over zealous Doctor overdosed me on Methadone...yeah, breathing is NOT overrated no matter what they tell ya!. Keep giving blood as I have had many blood transfusions. I wonder whose blood I have coursing through my veins??? Can I blame them for the thoughts I am putting down on this blog??? Thoughts for another day!

Back to this school thing! I am starting as a freshman, I think I told you that already. I have a B.A in Psychology already from a school back East in Connecticut. I am attending Palomar College in San Marcos California. You might have heard of San Marcos??? Ike Turner just died there of an overdose of Cocaine. Not really what I want you to think of my campus so forget I told you that.

Ahhh College, the hopes and dreams of youth. I just hope and dream that my 90 year old body can even make it every day. I am on the 12 step program for this...take 12 steps at a time and hopefully Ike and I will make it to our classroom.

I hope no one is allergic...to Ike....not an almost 40 year old freshman! Until later